What happened to the
writer who fell short of words? Well, they just got written off. That's for the
cursory fling with blank spaces. Do people ever fall short of words in their
everyday communication? Barring an awkward situation or two, people generally like
to babble. It's a communicable disease the world over, the only known antidote
being a stifled yawn and a vacant expression in the listener's eyes. But the
antidote actually works only on smart -talkers who keep a keen eye out for
their listener's responses. For others, it is a flash-flood of thoughts that
generally tends to sweep away the innocent and the unprepared. The very concept
of gossip emerges from the urge to talk even when there's nothing to talk
about. And willing, cooperative listeners make the activity organically
As a child, I was quite a
motor-mouth. Verbal diarrhea may just as well be a polite euphemism for my
jowl-movement. The only complaint (I'd like to highlight 'only' but being the
modest gabber that I am, won't do so) that my teachers ever had on PTM days was
that I was a compulsive chatter-box. It was difficult to put a lid on my
expression, with little or no reaction-time for my audience. I'd say audience
because as a child, even a groan about the
humble tiffin-box packed by a sleepy mother at 5:30 in the morning, holds the possibility of advanced physical theatre. I guess
that's the reason why children hold us in rapt attention even when they are
sleeping because there's language oozing out of closed eye-lids with rolling
eyes beneath, snoring nostrils and twitching of fingers. Anyway, back to the
point. Teachers, in our times, had the special ability of dousing a good spark
if they saw one. One was encouraged to aspire more towards receiving stars on
the personality chart for being quiet for twenty minutes, than for learning to
talk one's way out of a sticky situation. Parents, being parents, would
never forget to remind me to cap it.
Initially, only in the
house and later, when it became embarrassing for everyone to be around a girl
who is verbose and uninhibited, at social gatherings too. Consequently, the
eloquence found its way to the debating platform. I could argue and declaim
without giving a sorry a** to anybody's reaction. Fortunately, that attitude
worked wonders. Invariably, the winning trophy would be mine. Unfortunately, it
was a disaster in the real world where the driving word for communication is
'diplomacy'. And then slowly, that slogan in the library unfurled its meaning
to me. Silence is golden. Better still, silence keeps you alive and loved. Free
thought and free speech belong to the land of books alone. Thus came new
if you must,
only just,
please or appease
certainly not,
flare or combust.
if silence means,
hold your beans,
let 'em rot,
air your bags out first.
The gift of the gab often
landed me among people who wanted to use my free speech to kick up a free
storm. Politics beckoned where action need not match words and my words were
pricelessly persuasive. However, it is ironical that a field where free speech
is the goon, diplomacy of inaction is the king-of-the-ring. And never the twain
shall meet.
Anyhow, the point is
that, thanks to well-meaning teachers and parents, talking became more of an
internal activity than a mode of communication with the world outside. And when
that internal chatter becomes incessant, it becomes de-rigueur to write. The
world called it upon itself. It's not my fault anymore. It may have been easier
to hear and bear than be dead as you read.
Therefore, world, do not
rejoice when you find me silent. Prepare, instead, for the print-sprint.
Parents, let that kid
talk. If you can’t make sense of the non-stop questions, observations and
remarks, then perhaps you’re the ones who need to air out those bags (lungs,
incase, you didn’t understand earlier). And teachers, you’re paid to speak,
aren’t you? Go eat your words. It's all healthy talk after all.
Cheers and burritos!
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